Obsidium Ore Farming
This Obsidium Ore farming
guide will show you the best places for mining Obsidium Ore. Obsidium
Ore can be mined from Obsidium Deposits. A mining skill of 425 is
Obsidium Ore
Mount Hyjal
Hyjal is the best zone for farming Obsidium if you hate Vashj'ir. For
some reason most people hate to go to Vashj'ir but I prefer to farm
Vashj'ir - Shimmering Expanse
Expanse is my favorite place for farming Obsidium. This route is just
so easy to follow and the respawn rate is fast enough to farm here
without waiting for the ores to respawn. This place is not that good if
many players are farming here.
Vashj'ir - Abyssal Depths
you can't farm at Shimmering Expanse because it's crowded with other
players, you can try Abyssal Depth. It's almost as good as Shimmering
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